How to automate dynamic website localisation cost-effectively in any language

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How to automate dynamic website localisation cost-effectively in any language

Hundreds of millions of Indians will now be online for what is the first time ever, owing to the pandemic. In fact, rural Indian internet usage has surpassed that of the urban, even before the pandemic hit, as attested by a 2020 Nielson report.

The internet for these users must consist of web pages localized in their preferred Indian language, with an end-to-end user experience that at no point forces English content upon them.

Manual website localisation challenges

Traditionally, dynamic website localisation and content management in Indian languages comprises these five processes that are time-consuming when done manually:

  • Extracting static English content from the source English website.
  • Maintaining a spreadsheet of all the English content that needs to be converted.
  • Deploying and hosting websites in each Indian language on different servers.
  • Once the website is hosted, the localised content needs to be updated on each of the individual websites.
  • All the content fetched from the database or backend would have to be manually localised.
  • Going live with these multilingual websites and managing SEO for each website, individually.
Any changes in the source English website will have to go through the same long drawn process.

How do you localise dynamic websites quickly and in a measured timeframe?

Enter Anuvadak, a language-agnostic website
localisation management system

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Anuvadak is a multilingual website localisation management system that accelerates the process of creating, launching, and optimizing your website in multiple languages. It handles the grueling task of managing digital content across multiple Indian languages, allowing users to make changes (including in real time when needed), and even build an SEO presence in Indian languages.

Users also have access to detailed analytics via Anuvadak, as well as the power of Reverie’s own neural machine translation engine for rapid localization and the services of Prabandhak, Reverie’s unified translation management system on request.

As an automated platform, Anuvadak is user friendly and functions with minimal user intervention, helping platforms keep their localized Indian language presence up to date with changes and user requirements.

Automated dynamic website localisation with Anuvadak: an overview

With Reverie’s Anuvadak 2.0, the entire user journey across dynamic websites like ecommerce sites can now be localised:  

    • Anuvadak’s ability to integrate with AI-enabled translation management platforms reduces the website translation time to one third of the time taken to traditionally translate content in Indian languages. 
    • With Reverie’s own proprietary Indic fonts built-in, translations delivered through Anuvadak will be visually more appealing.
    • Anuvadak reduces the dependency on IT, with no coding required to launch new languages.
    • Unlike on-demand Indic language plug-ins, Anuvadak ensures SEO compatibility for localized webpages, which means that a company’s localised website will start showing up in search queries as Indians increasingly search in their own language.
    • Localization of dynamic content such as ecommerce sites, social media feeds, real-time news feeds, stock updates, etc., is now possible on the fly. 
    • As and when a site or a page is being rendered, its newly visible content will also be localised accordingly.
    • This type of localisation is easy to adopt and happens on the browser side, without depending on server calls, which means that it is faster for businesses to go multilingual now more than ever.
    • Language-wise, in-depth analytics with custom timeline is now available as well.

Here is Anuvadak 2.0 in detail

Easily manage your website projects and streamline localisation 

Anuvadak’s most important role is also its most basic: it provides a streamlined, unified platform for handling localized web content across a website project. A project can have up to hundreds or even thousands of discrete pages, each with its own content. Blocks of content strings are displayed matched to their translation pairs, allowing for an interlinear comparison of text.

Since all the content across languages is in one place, changes can be made right from the Anuvadak platform, with the appropriate level of customization and tweaking required. 

Anuvadak stores translations and delivers localised content when pages are visited on subdomain or directory. Each localized variant controlled separately, meaning that changes to your Assamese pages can be made without affecting Malayalam pages. 

For example, if Gujarati pages require specific changes based on the requirements of its user base, these can be made without affecting pages in other languages.

Pages can be previewed before they go live as well, to ensure that all the content is in order. Anuvadak also employs static cache for faster page load times.

Sync localised content with source language in real time

Anuvadak also functions in real time, allowing changes made to pages and/or content to be swiftly reflected on their localized variants.

Any new URLs added to the project will have their content added to the localization queue, and pushed live. Content edited on existing pages will be added to the queue, and updated once finished. 

This keeps the project running up to date without any serious mismatch in content across languages, without any disruptive break in delivery.


Be easily discoverable online in any language with multilingual SEO

Over time, a website builds a certain SEO presence, driven in large part by SEO tags including title tags, image alt text, keywords within content, meta description tags, and more. However, these tags are incorporated within original English language pages, and do not apply to any of their localized variants.

Anuvadak enables capture of meta titles, descriptions,  tags, and alt text for localized websites, which eventually translates to better SEO in respective languages

These localized pages managed by Anuvadak will now show up in Indian language searches, provided that other necessary factors such as domain authority, content relevance, etc., are on point.


Make informed decisions by leveraging actionable analytics

The performance of a platform’s pages localized via Anuvadak can be viewed from the analytics dashboard. An overview of page views, impressions, and other such data points is provided, and it is all filtered and arranged by language. This allows user behavior to be observed on the basis of language. In other words, each localized variant can be analyzed individually.

This also offers the opportunity of user insight comparison across localized pages, allowing platforms to better analyze how each language’s user base is being served, and what can be done to improve their experience.

For example, if a language has less engagement across pages, it might need better, more tailored content for its users.


Integrate with any automated translation management platform or go manual 

One of Anuvadak’s major advantages is its synergy with two powerful tools for translating English content into high quality Indian language content – Reverie’s neural machine translation engine, as well as Prabandhak, an AI-powered translation management system for Indian language content.

Both platforms have different, but similar and complementary functions.

Machine translation is instantaneous and context sensitive, trained using Indian language datasets. It can be used if new localized content needs to be ready in real time. Changes made in English can be immediately translated and published to the localized pages.

On the other hand, Prabandhak relies on a pool of experienced translators to bring specialized manual translation with a human touch, ideal for more sensitive content and proofreading. Changes made to the original English page are sent to Prabandhak, updated after they have been worked on by translators, and then published to the localized pages.

This results in a streamlined content addition – translation – upload flow, where new content is added to a site, translated either via NMT or expert manual translation on Prabandhak, automatically mapped to its corresponding translation pair on Anuvadak, uploaded, and updated on the final localized page for users to view.

In addition, Anuvadak can be integrated with any NMT engine, such as Google NMT, Microsoft NMT, etc. Further, you could also go in the direction of manual translation without any automation as well. Anuvadak can be customised according to your business needs and budget.


Reduce IT and resource overhead

Crucially, Anuvadak also drastically reduces dependence on both external stakeholders and internal effort. Since content is hosted on Anuvadak, changes to both individual pages as well as broader projects can be made right from the platform, without any assistance required. This is in stark contrast to making these changes manually to the backend or CMS, across multiple localized pages no less.
In addition, automation also ensures that translation pairs map onto one another, removing human error from the equation. Content publishing or content delivery is handled by Anuvadak, rather than requiring close supervision and double checking to see if everything remains in its intended place.
By allowing users to make changes to content directly, Anuvadak ensures faster results and rapid scaling up of localized websites. This in turn allows your platform to go to market quicker, keep up with changes in consumer requirements and messaging, and even gain a decisive competitive edge over other platforms. 
Anuvadak also saves precious time, effort, expertise, and labor, which can then be redirected and reallocated elsewhere, instead of tied up in the whole process of updating localized pages and content.
Simplify dynamic website localisation with Anuvadak 2.0
Anuvadak simplifies and enhances the management of localized content across web platforms while prioritizing scale, speed, and ease of use. Projects can be effectively handled, and Indian language content is delivered to end users.
Closing the loop and keeping the entire process running smoothly and seamlessly requires smart tools. Anuvadak has both the backend features as well as the Indian language focus that such a process needs. To see how Anuvadak can benefit your own website and make it accessible to Indian language users.

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