In this two-part special finale episode, Arvind Pani, CEO and Co-Founder Reverie Language Technologies Limited and the show’s host converses with Vineet Rai, Chairman & Founder Aavishkar Group and Nayan Kalnad, Founder & CEO, Avegen, on the critical factors which will play an integral role in making a thriving bharat startup ecosystem a reality, for realizing the dream of an Atmanirbhar Bharat.

In this first segment, Nayan and Vineet along with Arvind, probe the fascinating evolution of the Bharat startup ecosystem and its key challenges, the rising aspirations of a digitally empowered Bharat, and delve deep into the potency of digital adoption through the remarkable case study of Avegen.

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Reverie Language Technologies Limited, a leader in Indian language localisation and user engagement technology solutions for over a decade, is working towards a vision to create Language Equality on the Internet.

Reverie’s language practice is dedicated to helping clients future-proof their rapidly expanding content by combining cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) with best-practice approaches for optimizing content and business processes.

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