In our first anniversary special series, we present the story of fintech startup MissCallPay which is enabling Bharat users to do cashless transactions securely over a missed call, through their feature phones! Harnessing UPI123Pay, MissCallPay which is headquartered in Gujarat, aims to revolutionize the payment ecosystem and is soon set to launch commercially this month. Mitesh Thakker, Founder and CEO, MissCallPay shares his long, challenging and inspiring journey with our host, Arvind Pani, Co-Founder and CEO Reverie Language Technologies Limited.

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Reverie Language Technologies Limited, a leader in Indian language localisation and user engagement technology solutions for over a decade, is working towards a vision to create Language Equality on the Internet.

Reverie’s language practice is dedicated to helping clients future-proof their rapidly expanding content by combining cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Neural Machine Translation (NMT) with best-practice approaches for optimizing content and business processes.

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Reverie Language Technologies Limited All Rights Reserved.

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